Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mementos of Momentum - ENCS @ 20

ENCS ( Every Nation Church Singapore ) is a multi cultural church that loves God and advances His kingdom by loving people and serving nations. The church started in 1995 with the vision to spread God's love by raising leaders through leadership schools, building community through life groups and growing in God's word while building strong worship and prayer ministry. Now, 20 years later, the church continues to grow by sending missions teams, planting churches and reaching nations.

July 26th was a significant event for ENCS. With "Momentum" as the core theme of the celebration, everyone was encouraged to invite friends and family to celebrate the church's milestone. The volunteers from each ministry worked tirelessly for weeks to make the event possible. From back production, music, logistics up until the live prod.  It was a collaborative effort from everyone who selflessly offered their time, talent and finances.

Photo credit :  Vanessa Castro

Photo Credit : Jezreel Rombaoa
The doors of Suntec Convention Center opened at 16:30 SGT but we were already at the venue at about 14:00 ( you can tell we're totally psyched ). Loot bags were provided and the atmosphere was vibrant. You can literally sense the excitement from everyone's faces. Donuts and coffee were readily available and people were lined up to get their faces snapped at the photobooth. We managed to score a group photo ( see below - Compress! )

The night started with prayer and worship. The worship team did a marvelous job showcasing their talent and keeping the crowd engaged while singing praises to God. Pastor Larry Matsuwaki offered a prayer and presented an AVP which showed a brief history of how the church started and the pivotal events which led to this fateful day.

Steve Murrell, the president of Every Nation Church shared the word from Luke 10:25-37- The Parable of the Good Samaritan.  We all heard the story. It was taught in Sunday school and catechism classes; yet it was the first time I was able to see the story from a different perspective. Compassion and love for neighbor. How many times did we see someone in dire need of help, broken and abandoned, yet we chose to look away and head to a different direction? Sometimes , our actions and willingness to show sympthaty become dependent on who's asking for it. God died on the cross for all of us. He could have said no and spared Himself from suffering yet He chose to save us instead. He is the good Samaritan and we are the broken and wounded Jewish man. God's love never fails and it's meant to last. Its wide enough to cover everyone and long enough to last for eternity.

The overall experience was beyond words. To sing praises and offer prayer along with my spiritual family ( BCE ) - It was such a blessing to be part of a community and a church who believes in extending God's love through love of neighbor and nations.

Indeed, it was a night of praise, prayer and fellowship - A festivity to celebrate Jesus, our God.

"Momentum happens when we allow His goodness and glory to shine through us"



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