Monday, January 11, 2016

Do You like You?

So you met this really cool guy or say charming girl and realized how awesome their personalities are, then light bulb comes on and you find the need to tailor fit yourself with their personalities for seamless talking points and eventually lead them to like you. Sure does hit close to home right? 

We all want to be liked. We live in this constant pursuit of gaining approval and validation. Obsessed into transforming ourselves in who we think we need to be in order for people to like us. We even go to great extent in copying what they like, how they dress up, what movies or series they been binging on or even the type of filters they use on Instagram- and for what? So it would be easier to connect and find common ground?

We're all guilty of this at one point or another. We create this version of ourselves and accord ourselves with their standards in order to fit in and be accepted. And why not? Of course we want people to like us. Case in point, life would be infinitely easier, first dates wouldn't be so awkward, a client meeting would exceedingly get a green light if you can get them to like your idea and small talks wouldn't be such a pain if you are all on the same boat. 
We live in an age where personality is measured by social metrics and it sure does put a lot of pressure to modify ourselves. Hence, people exert a whole lot of effort to be somebody they're not. But get this, if you were stripped off of all these fake ideas of who you thought you should be, if you bare yourself and be who you really are, would you even like you? If you met you, would you dare say, "Hey you're awesome and I genuinely like you"

Yes? No? And if not, why do you think so? I figured that if you let yourself have an open mind and accept the things you need to change for the better; rather than morphing yourself into someone you're not, people will genuinely like you. Wouldn't be great if people would come up to you  and you'll make a connection because of the real you? 

So, I have this #theory on how to get people to genuinely like you for the right reasons. Like and love yourself. No can ever be you. No one is you. So accept your flaws, celebrate your individuality and identify the things you need to work on for the better. Go about and do good. Let your inner light shine through by being confident in your beliefs and preferences. Lastly, be a positive force to influence others instead of pulling them down. 

So I leave you with these lines from "Try" :

Take your make up off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror at yourself
Don’t you like you
Cause I like you


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